Opening speakers, KXII's Dan Thomas and 33 year weatherman, Tom Miller on STANDING UP FOR MEDICAL FREEDOM
Event by Grayson County Conservatives
903 Restaurant and Brewers in Sherman, TX
Tuesday, October 12 at 6:30 PM CDT – 8 PM CDT
Price: Free

As many of you know KXII fired 6 employees for refusing "the jab". Our evening anchorman, Dan Thomas, and beloved weatherman for 33 years, Tom Miller will open our October meeting on their choice for medical freedom. Then stay to hear the Texas Conservative Mamas Truth Tour as they shine a light on the 87th Texas Legislative Session!

Tuesday, Oct 12 at 6:30
903 Restaurant and Brewery
1718 Elm Street
Sherman, Texas
Everyone welcome.
Come as you are!
No mask needed EVER.
No fees.
No memberships are required, but when you see what we are about, you'll want to join us!